Project focus:
The aim of the joint project was to develop a means of communication that not only provides fischer's management with the latest updates on a quarterly basis, but also broadens the horizons of their own day-to-day business and highlights industry innovations. A printed newsletter in magazine format that broadens the box and helps Fischer to continuously discover and follow innovations.
»Die Zusammenarbeit mit läuft wie am Schnürchen. Ihr strategischer Ansatz, Design und Inhalt perfekt aufeinander abzustimmen, hat unseren Newsletter zum Must-have für unser Führungsteam gemacht. Einfach, direkt und immer auf den Punkt – so macht Zusammenarbeit Spaß und bringt uns voran.« — Marco Thiess, Geschäftsführer fischer Electronic Solutions
Our services:
👩🏼 🎓 Master layout in InDesign: We started by developing a master layout for the newsletter, which improves the reading experience through a clear, appealing design and strengthens the identity of the fischer brand.
👨🏻 🎨 Implementation of the design: Since the beginning of 2023, we have been creating an individual and visually appealing design for the current newsletters, which draws readers' attention like a common thread through the brochure and makes the content accessible.
🤓 Editing selected text passages: We wrote some of the texts ourselves, others were written by fischer. By carefully selecting and editing the texts, we ensured that the communication was not only informative, but also inspiring and reflected fischer's corporate values.
🥊 Content sparring: We have also reviewed the choice of topics to ensure that the newsletter provides relevant information to appeal to readers and offer added value.
👣 Next steps: A newsletter in PDF format? In this case, express request and also useful for the intended use. But we wouldn't be if we didn't already have the next iteration stage towards “digital” in mind.
And that's what fischer does:
No building can do without them: precise and reliable mounting systems. fischer, world market leader in this sector, provides innovative solutions that architects and processors worldwide appreciate. But how does a company of this size keep its finger on the pulse of the industry, inform about trends and innovations and ensure that managers are always up to date? That's where we come in.