In-house Trainings

In-house trainings for companies that want to prepare their marketing and sales teams for topics such as project sales, sustainability, or target group approach.

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Training concepts

Effective content marketing through further education: We develop tailored formats and content that excite your target audiences. Our concepts strengthen your brand and impart valuable knowledge. Convince with high-quality educational offerings.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3 21H21M6 18V9.99998M10 18V9.99998M14 18V9.99998M18 18V9.99998M20 6.99998L12.424 2.26498C12.2702 2.16884 12.1933 2.12077 12.1108 2.10203C12.0379 2.08546 11.9621 2.08546 11.8892 2.10203C11.8067 2.12077 11.7298 2.16884 11.576 2.26498L4 6.99998H20Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Inhouse Masterclasses

In general, all formats, such as our master classes, can also be booked as company-internal, closed in-house trainings. These can be carried out at your company's premises or as virtual online training courses.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M5 10.0001V16.0112C5 16.3702 5 16.5496 5.05465 16.7081C5.10299 16.8482 5.18187 16.9759 5.28558 17.0817C5.40287 17.2015 5.5634 17.2818 5.88446 17.4423L11.2845 20.1423C11.5468 20.2735 11.678 20.3391 11.8156 20.3649C11.9375 20.3877 12.0625 20.3877 12.1844 20.3649C12.322 20.3391 12.4532 20.2735 12.7155 20.1423L18.1155 17.4423C18.4366 17.2818 18.5971 17.2015 18.7144 17.0817C18.8181 16.9759 18.897 16.8482 18.9453 16.7081C19 16.5496 19 16.3702 19 16.0112V10.0001M2 8.50006L11.6422 3.67895C11.7734 3.61336 11.839 3.58056 11.9078 3.56766C11.9687 3.55622 12.0313 3.55622 12.0922 3.56766C12.161 3.58056 12.2266 3.61336 12.3578 3.67895L22 8.50006L12.3578 13.3212C12.2266 13.3868 12.161 13.4196 12.0922 13.4325C12.0313 13.4439 11.9687 13.4439 11.9078 13.4325C11.839 13.4196 11.7734 13.3868 11.6422 13.3212L2 8.50006Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Workshop design and facilitation

We prepare you for upcoming challenges around sustainability, target audience understanding, and communication. We organize workshops specifically tailored to your requirements.

Open Trainings

Open training programs for individual participants who want to continuously improve on specific topics through various formats.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M17 14.5001V11.4945C17 11.315 17 11.2253 16.9727 11.146C16.9485 11.076 16.9091 11.0122 16.8572 10.9592C16.7986 10.8993 16.7183 10.8592 16.5578 10.779L12 8.50006M4 9.50006V16.3067C4 16.6786 4 16.8645 4.05802 17.0274C4.10931 17.1713 4.1929 17.3016 4.30238 17.4082C4.42622 17.5287 4.59527 17.6062 4.93335 17.7612L11.3334 20.6945C11.5786 20.8069 11.7012 20.8631 11.8289 20.8853C11.9421 20.9049 12.0579 20.9049 12.1711 20.8853C12.2988 20.8631 12.4214 20.8069 12.6666 20.6945L19.0666 17.7612C19.4047 17.6062 19.5738 17.5287 19.6976 17.4082C19.8071 17.3016 19.8907 17.1713 19.942 17.0274C20 16.8645 20 16.6786 20 16.3067V9.50006M2 8.50006L11.6422 3.67895C11.7734 3.61336 11.839 3.58056 11.9078 3.56766C11.9687 3.55622 12.0313 3.55622 12.0922 3.56766C12.161 3.58056 12.2266 3.61336 12.3578 3.67895L22 8.50006L12.3578 13.3212C12.2266 13.3868 12.161 13.4196 12.0922 13.4325C12.0313 13.4439 11.9687 13.4439 11.9078 13.4325C11.839 13.4196 11.7734 13.3868 11.6422 13.3212L2 8.50006Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>


Our masterclasses are two-day deep dives into topics such as project sales or sustainability in marketing and sales. Typically, we meet in the offices of renowned architectural firms, in the heart of the target audience. The training team consists of experts in the respective subject areas.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M7.5 7H10.25M7.5 11H10.25M7.5 15H10.25M13.75 7H16.5M13.75 11H16.5M13.75 15H16.5M20 21V6.2C20 5.0799 20 4.51984 19.782 4.09202C19.5903 3.71569 19.2843 3.40973 18.908 3.21799C18.4802 3 17.9201 3 16.8 3H7.2C6.07989 3 5.51984 3 5.09202 3.21799C4.71569 3.40973 4.40973 3.71569 4.21799 4.09202C4 4.51984 4 5.0799 4 6.2V21M22 21H2" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Industry Updates

The industry updates are designed for decision-makers in marketing and sales. Quarterly, we invite experts from the construction industry to a digital 90-minute session, creating an exciting exchange between manufacturers, interior brands, and the target audience on industry-relevant topics.

<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8 22H16M20.5 10.5C20.5 15.1944 16.6944 19 12 19C7.30558 19 3.5 15.1944 3.5 10.5C3.5 5.80558 7.30558 2 12 2C16.6944 2 20.5 5.80558 20.5 10.5ZM15.1875 10.5C15.1875 12.2604 13.7604 13.6875 12 13.6875C10.2396 13.6875 8.8125 12.2604 8.8125 10.5C8.8125 8.73959 10.2396 7.3125 12 7.3125C13.7604 7.3125 15.1875 8.73959 15.1875 10.5Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg>

Online Trainings

Our online training sessions cover current and evolving topics such as the Green Claim Initiative, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, and much more. We explain the key points and what manufacturers can expect. Prepared by experts in our webinars, you will receive essential practical knowledge for marketing and sales.

Franziska, Michael and Catrin did a really great job, so much input, between theory, practice, stories of experience, examples, it all helped me so much to understand how I can work on equal terms with architects, what they really need and how I can better position our factory. Thank you so much for the experience.

A woman in a black shirt smiling at the camera
Lelliana Malie
Founder, acustic factory

The two days of Project Sales Masterclass gave me lots of insights and new knowledge. Franziska and Michael made both their topics and spontaneous discussions from the group extremely valuable in terms of content and moderated them damn well. In addition, networking and open exchange with other participants from a wide range of sub-sectors was extremely valuable for me.

A woman wearing glasses leaning against a wall
Lisa Deppe
Sales and Project Consultant, Vestre

At the center of Sustainability Masterclass The question is how communication of sustainability works best. The two days have made it very clear that simple and, above all, comparable communication is an important key to this very complex topic. That is why we have taken up the topic of EPD for ourselves at Casala and will in future provide an EPD for every piece of furniture so that we can speak “in the same language” as a first step.

A black and white photo of a woman smiling
Andrea-Marie Marczyk
Sales manager, Casala

It's great that there was an opportunity to participate. For me, this is an enriching format that should definitely be continued. My “image” has almost been completed and provides interesting and inspiring input, which I received from the Project Sales Masterclass I was allowed to take along, will make a lot of things easier for me in my daily business. Thanks for that!

A woman in a business suit standing with her arms crossed
Corinna Graf
Head of Marketing DACH, Nowy Styl

A big thank you to the whole team for the very enriching and special days at Project Sales Masterclass. Two days filled with strategies and very valuable knowledge for property sales. Contributed by insiders who know the architecture industry inside and out. That was so much fun!

A man sitting at a desk smiling for the camera
Tim Bienert
Architect consultant, RECKLI
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Hey hej hej hej hej hej hej hej

Hey hej hej hej hej hej hej hej

Hey hej hej hej hej hej hej hej

Hey hej hej hej hej hej hej hej

Franziska Holzmann

Strategic Consulting

Any more questions? I am looking forward to your message.

Franziska Holzman, Strategic Consultant bei, steht vor einer farbigen Wand und schaut direkt in die Kamera. Ihr Blick ist ausdrucksstark und fokussiert, während sie selbstbewusst und professionell posiert.