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Sebastian Schuster

Dipl.-Ing. / Architect AIV / Managing Partner
Expert in Sustainable Building (DGNB)

What convinced you to become part of the hej.build Architecture Advisory Board?

The exchange with the industry has always been very inspiring and fruitful for me. As architects, our interest is to actively shape the future in a rapidly changing world. We benefit from the innovative power of bold companies and manufacturers, and conversely, we can provide feedback from product applications. Being able to work at this interface is very promising for me.

What thematic focus do you hope to contribute to the hej.build Architecture Advisory Board?

Since my time at TU Darmstadt, I have been intensively involved with the topic of sustainable building, particularly on the neighborhood scale. How can we plan and build in a circular manner? What life cycles are right for buildings, and what does this mean for the quality of buildings and cities? Discussing and further developing these questions, especially regarding the topics of life cycle assessment and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), is very exciting for me.

What concerns you most right now in terms of architecture, interior design, or building products?

How can we build more affordably and better at the same time? I think this is currently the biggest concern for the industry and for me. The “value chain construction” is a crucial pillar of our prosperity and simultaneously responsible for our living environments. Integrating these sometimes divergent interests and taking them to the next level is enjoyable for me.

Is there a current highlight or an all-time favorite project you would like to share with us?

Our timber-hybrid high-rise that we are developing with our clients in Frankfurt’s Gallus district is undoubtedly my personal highlight so far. As part of a consistently sustainable neighborhood development based on our winning urban planning competition, this building sets standards. The building consists of a timber skeleton with timber-hybrid ribbed ceilings, except for the ground-contacting and bracing parts—and this beyond the high-rise limit. This hasn’t been done before and motivates all involved parties to a special degree.

Sebastian Schuster, Dipl.-Ing. and architect AIV, managing partner at Schmidt Plöcker, in a dark shirt against a gray background.