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Anni Rosenberg

brandherm+krumrey interior architecture
Associate Management
Expert in Interior Design

What convinced you to become part of the hej.build Architecture Advisory Board?

I see communication as the cornerstone for change and improvement. When questions go unanswered, it feels like wasted potential. There is always someone who has the idea or answer, so we can mutually inspire each other. The Architecture Advisory Board aims to create an interface exactly at this point, which I find fantastic.

What thematic focus do you hope to contribute to the hej.build Architecture Advisory Board?

My passion is generally for (good) design, complemented by expertise in interior design. I am passionate about what I do professionally and look forward to the exchange and interest in understanding how the industry works.

What concerns you most right now in terms of architecture, interior design, or building products?

I am very concerned with how to establish good design more firmly in the healthcare sector as something necessary, rather than an add-on that often falls victim to (too high) costs. Especially in the medical sector, interior design can provide a healing benefit that helps us all. It is becoming increasingly important to integrate the right planners into projects early on, those who want to make a difference and approach the topic boldly.

What is, in your view—in a few words—good architecture/interior design?

Something designed with dedication and passion. You can tell good interior design by the time invested in the details. It creates a harmonious whole that is sensitively balanced—almost like a really good dish.

Is there a current highlight or an all-time favorite project you would like to share with us?

My heart always warms a bit when I think of the Boekhandel Dominicanen in Maastricht. The project embodies everything I love about interior design: the contrast between old and new; bold rethinking of functions; respectful handling of the existing structure; moments of surprise and a unique atmosphere.

Anni Rosenberg, Associate Management at bki, in a white shirt and a gray cardigan against a beige background.