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Martina Rahmfeld

wow tomorrow
Architect and New Work Facilitator
Expert in New Work and Work Environments

What convinced you to become part of the hej.build Architecture Advisory Board?

I think it’s a great idea to involve the target group in projects very early on through the advisory board, and I’m happy to support it if it can improve products and target group communication.

What thematic focus do you hope to contribute to the hej.build Architecture Advisory Board?

My focus is on New Work and work environments. With wow tomorrow, I deal with questions like: How will we work together in the future? In what spaces? And what influence can architecture and space have to help us work better (together) in the future?

What concerns you most right now in terms of architecture, interior design, or building products?

When we talk about work environments, particularly offices and headquarters, the focus is on the interior—materials, furniture, and equipment.

What is, in your view – in a few words – good architecture/interior design?

Buildings and spaces that empower and serve people, rather than weaken them.

Martina Rahmfeld, Owner of wow tomorrow, in a black top and blazer, smiling and standing in a modern office building.