Laura Heidelauf

ACMS Architects
M.A. Architect
Expert in Sustainable, Energy-Efficient Building and Timber Construction

What convinced you to become part of the architectural advisory board?

Engaging in exchanges beyond one’s own horizons is always a good idea. Sharing knowledge and experiences within a strong network can be enriching for all parties involved.

What currently occupies your thoughts regarding architecture, interior design, or construction products?

How to reconcile good architecture with current issues such as resource-efficient construction, timber construction, CO2 reduction, and the set sustainability goals.

In a few words, what defines good architecture/interior design for you?

Firstly, teamwork, as good results are rarely achieved by individuals alone. They emerge from intensive collaboration. Secondly, good design, utility, and durability must be coherent. Only buildings that achieve high acceptance are used permanently and advance us further.

Is there a current highlight or an all-time favorite project you would like to share with us?

The »CampusRO« in Rosenheim: I had the fortune of overseeing this project as the project manager. We succeeded in implementing a neighborhood consisting of student housing and a boarding house in timber construction with high sustainability standards, thanks to a great planning team and an open-minded client team. The buildings are now DGNB Platinum certified. We met the high sustainability standards pursued by all involved. Particularly gratifying is that the central design idea of a stacked village with many opportunities for social interaction has been excellently received by the residents, who now bring their campus to life.

Laura Heidelauf, expert in sustainable, energy-efficient building and timber construction at ACMS Architects, smiling in a black lace top in a modern office.
Photo: Chris Rausch